Friday, May 22, 2009

Abby's Birth

Ok, so here is Abby's birth story. What I do remember of it. My hubby and I arrived at the hospital late. Not surprising for us really. They took me to the room and said the nurse would be with me. I got changed into the gown and in walked the nurse. She seemed really nice and calmed my nerves. I was a mess the night before. Doctor came in around 8:30 and broke my water. They started the pitocin shortly after. Nurse had said she didn't think I need much since I was having contractions four minutes apart when I came in. I wasn't even aware I was having them. An hour later needing to use the bathroom the nurse
helped me up and noticed that Abby had a bowel movement. She called the doctor to see what he wanted to do about it. They did something with the amniotic fluid to try and flush out the rest of the meconium. Abby's heart rate went down a few times. Each time the nurse flew in the room within a minute. I kept having to change positions. Apparently Abby didn't like me in any position but, my right side. My labor stalled around 4 cm and they gave me an epidural to see if that would relax me. Lets just say the epidural was not a fun experience for me. The anesthesiologist couldn't find a way in and had to keep numbing my back. I admit I cried like a big baby. It didn't hurt until he had to try several times. Then it only worked an hour. He came back twice to give me more of it and once to re-adjust it. But, from that point on I felt everything. We had a hard time keeping Abby on the heart monitor so they did a scalp monitor. I'm convinced at one point the nurse was trying to speed things up because anytime she checked me it hurt like hell. I don't know what she was doing in there but, I wanted to punch her a few times. Other then that she was a good nurse. Around 6:30 the doctor came in and checked me. I still was at 4 cm and he told me it would all be over soon because we were going to do a c-section. Another nurse came in and gave me this stuff to drink to "calm" down the acid in my stomach. Ten minutes later I'm throwing it back up. My sweet hubby was holding something for me to get sick in.

An hour later I was in the OR getting my spinal done. It hurt too but, not as much as the epi. I felt it numbing me instantly. At some point my DH came in. I don't quit remember because I was getting extremely sleepy. The anesthesiologist asked me if I was going to fall asleep and I shook my head. He told me I would get taken care of and to rest. But, I was stubborn and fought sleep. I wanted to be awake when she was born. At some point I heard Dr Gorski say we have a little girl. Then something about her cord being in a knot. I remember asking my hubby if she was ok and he said yes. Then I heard her cry and I started crying. Abby was handed over to NICU who was in the OR with us. The made sure any meconium was suction out. I kept falling asleep during that. At one point I thought I was going to get sick again. But, since nothing was on my stomach I just dry heaved. YUCK! I then remember them handing Abigail to my hubby and I laid eyes on her. I was in love. For all the pain I went through she was worth it. But, I did tell DH no more babies! Who knows I might change my mind. But, she is enough for me.

Abigail Rebekah Grace
8:13 pm
6lb 6oz (hubby's exact birth weight)