Friday, March 13, 2009

Life before my pregnancy

I just wanted to write a real quick post. Some people don't know how hard I struggled to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I always get "it was so easy for you." No, it was not easy at all. My husband and I met in 1997. We first became pregnant in 2002. I was not even aware that I was pregnant. I wound up in the hospital in September to find out I was pregnant but, was in the process of loosing it. That one was hard but, I made it though. It helped that my sister in law just gave birth and I had my nephew to love on. But, it was also hard at the same time.

In September of 2004 I found out I was pregnant after taking a HPT. My husband and I (boyfriend at the time) were very excited. I got an OB and started doing everything I needed to do. Had to go to the health department to confirm pregnancy. She told me it was positive but, faint. I had no clue what that meant. I told everyone I knew. Then two days later my husband went to work and I started bleeding and cramping. I knew then what was going on. September 25th I had my second miscarriage.

I had to go for a follow up ultrasound to make sure everything was removed during the DNC. It was during that ultrasound even though she wasn't supposed to the tech told me I had a bicournate uterus. She explained to me as best she could what it was. She was also surprised that I wasn't told in 2002 about it. It was a blessing that she did because my OB wouldn't have told me. I had to ask her about it. In November of that year I had to have surgery to remove a 10 cm cyst from my left ovary. I was cut like a c-section.

In December of 2005 Randy and I got married. We had a small but, beautiful wedding. We have had a lot of ups and downs. Even separated twice in 2007. But, we worked everything out and in 2008 we started our life again. September 2nd 2009 I found out I was pregnant again. I didn't want to believe it. I even held off a couple of days. I tested around 5:30 am and it instantly popped up pregnant. I went in for an ultrasound a week or so later. I heard the heartbeat of my beautiful "bean". I was so happy that day. The tech there informed me that she thought my uterus looked more like it had a septum. And that the baby implanted in my uterus instead of on the septum. She explained if that happens you will loose the baby because it can not get the things it needs. So ladies if you are TTC and have not had any luck. Or STC like I did please do not give up. You never know when it might happen.

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