Friday, April 17, 2009

So I've been having issues with my doctor. Well today was the final straw. I believe in my last post he told me he would not induce me until I was two weeks past due. He said it was Texas state law and there was nothing he could do about it. Which I don't even know why he brought it up we were talking about something completely different. For some reason he assumed I wanted to be induced. Which I know he was giving me a load of crap because there isn't a law like there here in Texas. Anyhow this morning I was watching t.v. and the phone rings. It was my doctor's office calling to see if I wanted to be induced. I started asking questions and she told me they set up inductions 1 WEEK before you are due. She wanted to know if I wanted to have Abby this weekend. I was speechless considering I knew he lied and now this confirmed it. Well I had asked something and she placed me on hold. She came back on the phone and said she was so sorry she had the wrong patient. I then asked her why he would induce someone else a week before their due date but, wouldn't consider it for me. She had the nerve to tell me that wasn't what she was calling for. Um bull because we were talking about it. You got me mixed up with someone else. And now you are covering up for it. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. I hate being lied to. Plus, it doesn't help I've been sleep deprived the past few days. So I called the hospital where I'm supposed to have Abby and asked them who to talk to about a complaint with a doctor.

The guy listened to me for a little bit and although he said he believes we had a misunderstanding he agreed I needed to find another doctor. He gave me a few numbers and told me to give them a try. The first one I called sounded like they would take me. Until they found out I had medicaid. So that was out. Then I called another number who referred doctors. The first one I called from that list agreed to take me. I told the lady that answered the phone exactly what happened with my doctor. She was speechless. She also confirmed my doctor had lied to me about the "Texas state law". I told her I felt that his whole problem with me is I'm overweight. Its always been an issue with him. She told me it didn't matter. That it could make me high risk but, as a doctor he should have provided excellent care regardless. Also told me to talk to the doctor when I go in Wednesday and he would tell me who I can complain to other then the Texas Medical Board. So I have an appointment with my new doctor the 22nd at 11 in the morning. I am so happy they were willing to take me even though I'm 39 weeks pregnant.

No Sleep

This is getting to me. I've been so sleepy here lately that I will fall asleep early. Only to wake up four hours later and be awake for several hours. I don't think I can take it much longer. I went to the doctor yesterday. I really do not like this doctor. But, we are almost at the end of it so I won't have to deal with him again. He said my cervix was soft and that her head had dropped more. So he thinks I should be done in a week or two. The he tried being nice but, I wasn't having it. I'm still reporting him to the Texas Medical Association. I think that is all for now. I don't have much else to say.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Doctor's Appt

Ok, so I go into my doctor's office today. I had planned on talking about the way my uterus is shaped in case he didn't read in the medical records. Which I now know he didn't. I had to wait a long time so by the time I went back there I was tired. My BP was a little high 150/90 I believe. I told the NP not to take it again like she is notorious for doing to me. I said that is how high it has been running for the past two week. So she left it alone. Got my internal done. Cervix is still very thick. But, he said Abby is head down. I don't know for sure if I believe that because he found her heart beat around my belly button.

Anyhow so I asked him if he knew about my uterus. And his exact words were "why does that matter?" Not really a good thing to say to a very tired pregnant woman who is in pain. Then insultingly said "I think I know where you are going with this. You want to either be scheduled for an induction or c-section." Ok, at this point I'm pi$$ed. I couldn't even believe he had said that. Then he wanted to sit there and argue with me telling me I had no reason to be concerned. That he will not do anything medically until two weeks after my due date. But, he has to let me go into labor on my own. Now I'm sitting there wanting to punch the hell outta him.

I told him flat out that I wasn't trying to get him to set up anything. That I was trying to make him aware of this issue in case something happens. Bicornuate uterus / uterine septum can cause complications. I'm not sure which I have I was told one thing by one Dr and another by a different one. I finally gave up because he was not listening he just wanted to argue. I got dressed and left the room. As I'm walking out he said something about my BP. Said that we need to keep an eye on it but, he thinks its because the cuff was too small. Then why is it always high when I test it at home? I seriously don't know what to do.

My Prayer for Jae


I come to you in the name of Your son Jesus. I lift up my friend Jae in Your hands Father. I ask that you bless this wonderful woman with a child. She has had a rough road as you know. How she has remained strong has to be you. I know You are taking care of her angels in Heaven. I ask that You bless her womb with one here on earth. Please heal the heartache that I'm sure she must be feeling. I ask this in Jesus' mighty name.



Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, I can't really say irritated I guess. But, I want to try and contact my Dad's side of the family again. I even found one of my cousins. I just want to know they are ok. To tell them I'm pregnant. To talk about my dad and remember him. I don't know why I have this need now. My dad passed away when I was 12. I didn't stay in contact with his family because I didn't know how. No one from that side tried to get in contact with us. I'm the one that found my uncle Charles in 94 or 95 when we moved back to Texas. I was only 14 or 15 at the time. I don't even really know what to say here. I hope I get in contact with more of them. Ugh sorry people my brain just won't work.